What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia is a common illness of the respiratory system (bronchi, lungs). Often pneumonia is a complication of acute viral infections in the upper respiratory tract.
Symptoms of pneumonia include:
- fever
- cough
- weakness
- sweating / night sweats
- painful chest pain when inhaled and coughed up
Pneumonia can be diagnosed with an auscultation, a blood test and a radiologic examination of the chest (X-ray study).
Pneumonia treatment is started and tracked by a family doctor. The treatment includes anti-inflammatory preparations (antibiotics) and symptomatic remedies (e.g fever reducing preparates). With the antibiotics fever will lower already on the 2nd or 3rd day of illness. However, when your health does not improve, the family doctor/family nurse should be informed.
Hospital care is required in severe forms of pneumonia, as well as in cases where oral therapy is not possible (difficulty swallowing, vomiting) and even for social reasons (single, elderly people who do not have a carer). In most cases, health of the patient with pneumonia will improve within 3-4 weeks.
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