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Minudoc OÜ is a cooperation partner of Töötukassa psychological counseling

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Minudoc OÜ is a cooperation partner of Töötukassa psychological counseling

The service is intended for clients of the Unemployment Fund who have a psychological counseling service designated by the Unemployment Fund.

Based on this, the Unemployment Insurance Fund compensates the client for the mental health sessions that the client takes from the psychologists who provide the service on the Minudoc platform. You can read more about it here.

The psychological counseling of the unemployment fund is carried out by the following psychologists on our platform:

  • Anu Põllusaar
  • Valentina Kivi
  • Elena Korableva
  • Janne Marita Kabanen
  • Natalja Zorina
  • Olga Galkina
  • Merle Hillep

The price of one session of the psychological counseling service is 70 euros and the duration is one academic hour. To get the service, please add your data in the adjacent form so that we can create access for you to our platform to use the free consulting service. You can also contact us using the contacts at the bottom of the page.

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