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What is child's cold?

Runny nose (caused by virus) is a self-healing disease that usually lasts for a week (7 days). It also happens allergic rhinitis. Occasionally, the nasal passages of the mucous membrane may not come out and falls to the throat, causing coughing.

To help your child:

  • raise the child's head slightly higher
  • a sea salt solution may be used to rinse the nose
  • use a disposable tissue to clean the nose
  • keep indoor air moist, as it will ease respiration

A family doctor / family nurse or a pediatrician should be contacted when:

  • runny nose lasts for no more than two weeks
  • nasal congestion persists for a long time
  • the child breathes constantly through the mouth and / or snores during sleep (may be caused by adenoid)

Doctors who can help

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